IMPORTANT QUESTIONS - EC6502 Principles of Digital Signal Processing-5

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EC6502 Principles of Digital Signal Processing
Question Bank
Part A

  1. What is Multirate digital signal processing?(May-2014,Nov-2011)
  2. Write the different applications of Multirate DSP.(Nov-2013,2014)
  3. What are the different areas in which Multirate DSP is used?
  4. Give the advantages of Multirate DSP.
  5. Define Decimation.(May-2012,Nov-2014,Nov-2010,May-2014)
  6. Define Interpolation. .(May-2012)
  7. What are the upsampling and downsampling process?(Nov-2011)
  8. What is the need for sampling rate conversion?
  9. What is the need for Multirate signal processing?
  10. Give some examples of Multirate Digital system.
  11. With an example explain the sampling process.
  12. Draw the block diagram of Multirate stage decimator and interpolator.
  13. Draw the block diagram of a general poly phase frame work for decimator and interpolator.
  14. What is the need for Multistage filter implementation?
15.  What are the drawbacks in Multistage filter implementation. Obtain the poly phase structure of the filter with the transfer function.
                 H(z) = (1-3z-1) / (1+4z-1)
  1. What are the advantages of poly phase decomposition


  1. State the applications of  Multirate Digital signal processing.(May-2014)
  2. Explain with the block diagram, the general poly phase framework for interpolator and decimator.(Nov-2010,Nov-2014,May-2014,Nov-2013)
  3. Explain about different applications of Multirate digital signal processing.
  4. Explain about sampling rate conversion by a factor I/D.(May-2012)
  5. Explain the poly phase decomposition for
    (i) FIR filter structure
    (ii) IIR filter structure
  6. Explain in detail about Interpolation and decimation with Examples.(Apr-2011)
  7. Explain in detail about Adaptive Channel Equalization.
  8. Discuss on LMS adaptive filter.
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