Principles of Digital Signal Processing
EC6502 Principles of Digital Signal Processing
Question Bank
Unit – III
Part – A
1. What are the desirable and undesirable features of FIR filter?
2. Discuss the stability of the FIR filters.
3. What are the main advantages of FIR over IIR?
4. What are the design techniques of designing FIR filters?
5. What condition on the FIR sequence h(n) are to be imposed in order that this filter can be called a Linear phase filter?
6. State the condition for a digital filter to be a causal and stable.
7. What is Gibbs phenomenon? (May-2014,Apr-2011)
8. What are the properties of FIR filters?(Nov-2013,Nov-2011,Apr-2011)
9. Explain the procedure for designing FIR filters using windows.
10. What is the principle of designing FIR filters using windows?
11. What are desirable characteristics of windows? (Nov-2011,Nov-2013)
12. What is a window and why it is necessary?
13. Difference between FIR and IIR filters.
14. Give the equation specifying Hanning and Blackman windows. (Nov-2014,2010)
15. Draw the frequency response of N point Blackman window
16. Draw the frequency response of N point Hanning window.
17. What is the necessary and sufficient condition for linear phase characteristics in FIR filter.
18. Condition for the impulse response of FIR filters to satisfy for constant phase delay and group delay and only for constant group delay?
19. Draw the direct form realization structure for FIR system.
20. Direct form realization structure of a linear phase FIR system for N odd and N even.
21. What are the advantages and disadvantages of FIR filters?
22. Write the steps involved in FIR filter design.
23. What are the possible types of impulse response for linear phase FIR filters?
24. Write the magnitude and phase function of FIR filter when impulse response is symmetric and N is odd.
25. Write the magnitude and phase function of FIR filter when impulse response is anti-symmetric and N is odd.
26. Write the magnitude and phase function of FIR filter when impulse response is symmetric and N is even.
27. Write the magnitude and phase function of FIR filter when impulse response is anti-symmetric and N is even.
28. Write the procedure for designing FIR filter using Windows.
29. What are the desirable characteristics of the frequency response of Window function?
30. Compare the features of Hamming, Hanning and Blackman windows.
31. Draw the Linear phse FIR filter for the following system function
H(z)=1+2z-1-3z-2-4z-3. (Nov-2010,2014,May-2012)
Part – B
1. Explain the need for the use of window sequences in the design of FIR filter. Describe the window sequences generally used and compare their properties.
2. Derive the frequency response of a linear phase FIR filter when impulse responses symmetric & order M is EVEN and ODD.
3. Derive the frequency response of a linear phase FIR filter when impulse responses Anti-symmetric & order M is EVEN and ODD.
4. A low pass filter has the desired response as given below
Hd(ω) = e –j3ω -π/8 ≤ ω ≤ π/2
0 π/8 ≤ ω ≤ π
Determine the filter coefficients h(n) for M =7 using Hamming and Hanning window.(Nov-2013,Nov-2011)
5. Design a LPF with 11 coefficients for the following specifications
Passband frequency edge=0.25 KHz
Sampling frequency=1 KHz
Using Hanning and Hamming window.
6. A LPF is to be designed with the following desired frequency response
Hd(ω) = e –j2ω -π/4 ≤ ω ≤ π/4
0 π/4 ≤ ω ≤ π
Determine the filter coefficients h(n) if the window function is defined as, W[n] = 1 0≤n≤4
0 else
7. Determine a HPF with M =11 using Hamming window
Hd(ω) = 1 π/4 ≤ ω ≤ π
0 ω ≤ π/4
8. Realize the FIR filters using sum of the two sub-signal polyphase decomposition
H(z) = 1 + 2z-1 + (1/2)z-2 – (1/2)z-3 – (1/2)z-4+ 2(1/2)z-5 - 3(1/2)z-6
9. Realize the FIR filters in direct form
a. H(z) = 1 + 2z-1 + (1/2)z-2– (1/2)z-3 – (1/2)z-4
b. H(z) = 1 + 2z-1 - 4z-2+ z-3 + 3z-4
10. Design a HPF using hamming window with a cut-off frequency of 1.2radians/sec and M =9.
11. Design a band pass filter to pass frequencies in the range of 1 to 2 rad/sec using Hanning window with M =5.
12. Design a band pass filter to pass frequencies in the range of 1.2 to 1.7 rad/sec using Blackman window with M =7.
13. Obtain the Linear phase realization for the transfer function given below:
a. H(z) = 1 + (3/4)z-1 + (17/8)z-2+ (3/4)z-3 + z-4
b. H(z) = (2/3) + z-1 + (4/5)z-2 + 3z-3 + (7/8)z-4
14. Design an FIR filter to meet the following specification
Passband edge = 2 KHz
Stopband edge= 5 KHz
Stopband attenuation = 44dB
Sampling frequency = 20 KHz
15. If the desired response of a low-pass filter is
Hd(ω) = e-j3ω -3π/4 < ω < 3π/4
0 3π/4 < | ω | < π
Determine H(ω) for M=7 using Frequency sampling tech.(Nov-2014,May-2014,2012)
16. Design a High pass filter using Hanning window to meet the following specifications.
Cut-off frequency = 250 Hz
Sampling frequency = 1 KHz
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